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Lives and Mortalities, Poems by Carol Frome
The poems of Carol Frome's Lives & Mortalities take the reader into the imaginative processes of art, mathematics, and writing. They speak to
complications of the lived life, but with the weight of the inevitable lightened by a backbone of optimism that kicks at darkness. In these poems, unease
speaks through weather, and fields and grasses shoulder the burden of memory. Numbers pinwheel toward the transcendent and sharp edges soften to shadow.
Rooted in the still living, their gratitude is in understanding: everything beautiful lives on.
"'I compose the birds,' Carol Frome tells us bravely, audaciously. But there is also a mind less willful in these poems, taken by surprise at 'the scent of books, /of nouns, /of verbs...' And keyed to things that might be simplified and almost understood if only we saw their pathos, their deeper patterns. 'A house is an equation,' she writes, '…. oblivious to how well its geometry/ still works.' Just so, this poet is in love with hard history and possibility, both past and future, grief as well as hope." -Marianne Boruch
"Packing all manner of human activity and natural force, Carol Frome's Lives & Mortalities takes flight, capturing lift and pressure, subject and object, life, death, and the air that moves through it all. Prepare for takeoff."-Jennifer Bardi
"Carol Frome, in her volume of poetry, Lives & Mortalities, explores the shadow side of the familiar, sketching and painting images in words that linger in the mind long after reading. With the inquisitive eye of an artist and the loving intuition of an old friend, she sees clearly the inter-relatedness of all things, the beauty and the pain inherent in all things holding meaning. 'Only the poem waits for me. Listens for me.' Believe me when I say that her poems are waiting for you, and you will not be disappointed."-Dr. Anita K. Sanz
ISBN 978-1625492128, 102 pages